This excel spreadsheet helps provide information across the year from your teacher judgments. At the end of each term you can easily see the amount of children and the percentage of children achieving and not achieving in each area of learning. This helps support you with identifying areas to address going forward.
Here is a very brief and short baseline checklist. I use this front page to check progression throughout the year at the end of each term. It is also lovely for the children to see how much progression they have made with regards to their handwriting and name writing.
Here is a spreadsheet covering all areas for a baseline checklist and overview. This can be used to track and predict children’s progression for Reception. It is a good and easy assessment tool to use alongside observations.
An assessment tool to quickly identify if children are on track or an area for concern? I have created this because of the new EYFS statutory framework and the need to reduce in tracking and assessing. I still wanted to make sure I knew which children needed support in particular areas.